Sunday, June 26, 2011

Warren M Johnson Article,4293782&dq=lee's-ferry&hl=en

Good Words

OGDEN, Utah, January 22, 1890

[Correspondence of the DESERET NEWS.] –En route to Ogden this morning the following clipping was read with interest, and as newspaper correspondents have seldom a good word for the Latter-day Saints, this may be worth reproducing for the benefit of your many readers. “Alpha,” a correspondent of the Denver Republican, accompanying Engineer Stanton’s exploring expedition through the Grand Canyon in Arizona writes as follows from Lee’s Ferry, Arizona, December 25, 1890:

“We were nine days on the road, and with heavy wheeling, poor teams and lazy teamsters, and a drizzling rain nearly all the time, it was anything but an enjoyable part of our journey. The only bright spot in it was the little Mormon settlement of Grave’s Valley on the Dirty Devil River, about thirty-five miles above its mouth, where there are some twelve or fifteen Mormon families, seemingly prosperous and happy, upon 1000 to 1500 acres of rich tillable land. Here we replenished our supplies with beef, mutton, onions, etc., and were treated most kindly by the settlers.

“Just here let me say that nowhere can you find a more kindly and perfect gentleman than Mr. Warren M. Johnson, the postmaster at Lee’s Ferry, a devout Mormon, and a man who is honestly sincere and sincerely honest, and Mrs. Johnson a most kindly and courteous lady. It has been my fortune to meet some of the most perfect gentlemen and kind-hearted men and women among the Mormons of northern Arizona and southern Utah, and especially is our whole party indebted to the many kindnesses of Bishop L. C. Mariger of Kanab.”

Yours truly,


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